Welcome to the homepage of my

       Psychotherapy Practice 



I am happy to welcome you to my homepage.

There are times in one's life which are psychologically extraordinarily straining. Personal and professional challenges and problems seem unmanageable and unsolvable. Physical ailments can not medically be explained. If you are faced with one of these situations, it can be very helpful to talk to a neutral Professional, who can help you to better understand yourself (your thoughts, feelings and needs), think about your life-situation in a way that you may not have considered before. 


My therapeutic treatment is geared toward adults, couples and teens with a range of psychiatric disabilities as well as toward people who face difficult life challenges, both personally as well as professionally. I combine the approaches of psychodynamic psychotherapy and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to treat my patients. For most of my patients the duration of treatment is time-limited, solution and goal-oriented.


If you are motivated and are invested in your own treatment, if you wish and are ready to make the necessary changes with my help, then I very much look forward to meeting with you to work toward your personal goals.


You will find the necessary information to contact me, 

my person  and my private practice by clicking the appropriate links. 


Yours Sincerely



Dr. Sabette E. Elter

PH.D., Psychology
Bachelor of Science

Business Administration